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Confused by all the claims, lingo and different models of Infrared Saunas in the market?

EMFs? Carbon heaters? Ceramic heaters? Carbon and Ceramic heaters? Near Infrared? Far Infrared? Full Spectrum? Which kind of wood is best, plywood? What glue is best? Does it matter that it’s made in China?

We know that it can be difficult to discern what is best and to get a fair comparison of one brand of sauna to another, which is why we offer a FREE COMPARISON SERVICE.

Just send us a short list of sauna models that you are considering & your questions, and we will write up a Comparison Chart of our Sun Stream model verses any other brand of sauna that you may be looking at.

We will compare the saunas’ specifications and features objectively for you based on our experience working with & designing Infrared saunas.

Just enter the details on the form provided and let us do all the hard work by giving you a Full Brand Comparison Report.

Brand Comparison

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Simply let us know which Sun Stream sauna you’re interested in and the competitor’s product you’d like to compare it against, and we’ll do our best to send you an impartial evaluation of the two models.

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